Resolution 2017.05.30 Land and Water Conservation Fund


Pima Natural Resource Conservation District Resolution 2017.05.30

Opposing Reauthorization of the  Land and Water Conservation Fund

Approved by a vote of the Pima NRCD Board of Supervisors on May 30, 2017 ; 4 Aye, 0 Nay, 1 absent

Whereas, the Pima Natural Resource Conservation District is a state recognized expert on land, soil, water and natural resources;*

Whereas, approximately 87% of Arizona is currently owned by either the Federal, Tribal or State government; and,

Whereas, the Land and Water Conservation Fund reauthorization would allow the Federal Government to use eminent domain to purchase private land, farms and ranches without a willing seller;

Whereas reauthorization would potentially remove land from agricultural or other resource use, thus converting a valuable tax and income producing asset into an additional maintenance burden to be piled onto the billions of dollars already needed to repair and maintain existing National Parks.

Therefore, the Pima Natural Resource Conservation District opposes the reauthorization by Congress of the Land and Water Conservation Fund.

*About the District

The District was created by the Arizona State Legislature in 1942 and continues to be governed under Chapter 6 of Title 37 of the Arizona Revised Statutes. The District is structured as a hybrid of a state agency funded under the Arizona State Lands Department’s Natural Resources Division and as an independent local unit of Arizona government with a Board of Supervisors consisting of both elected and Governor-appointed Supervisors. The expertise of the Pima NRCD is recognized by Arizona statute 37-1054 (A) as follows:

“This state recognizes the special expertise of the districts in the fields of land, soil, water and natural resources management within the boundaries of the district.”